Wood Cold Pressed Black Sesame Oil

Take a step ahead and Explore your cooking skills using Heritage Life Sesame Oil

Wood Pressed Black Sesame Oil - A start for healthy life

Heritage Life uses uniquely designed cold press machine (chekku) made from special wood to extract pure organic wood cold pressed black sesame oil using fresh handpicked premium quality sun-dried black sesame seeds by traditional method and undergoes filtration before reaching out to our customers for obtaining the top quality.

Why Heritage Life Black Sesame Oil ?

  • Best Suited for all kinds of daily cooking needs

  • Perfect for all types of skin and hair care

  • Rich in antioxidants - Improves overall health

From Farm to Home - Our Story

Heritage Life -100% Quality Guaranteed

At Heritage Life, we give utmost care in selecting the raw materials mindfully and aim at providing the purest form of wood cold pressed oil prepared using our traditional method. Heritage Life assures you the best premium quality products that you can trust.